Thursday, April 14, 2011

Number 5

Well finished the fifth treatment today. The next 3 days could be rough, tired more then anything. But at least I'm rid of Bob for a week!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rough week

The past couple of weeks have been a little rough. Matt was home on Friday. He helped finish drywall in bathroom. We picked up a 12' x 10' awning, so Matt and I also installed that over the rear lower deck. Mainly where I move saws and stuff outside to cut wood. Used it on Sunday to paint a dresser that I am using for a vanity. As you know it got hot on Sunday and it worked great, providing great shade. Or if it rains I don't have to quick get every thing inside. On Sat I spent most of day in bed. That's just the way it seems to go. Had some wild turkeys show up down the valley yesterday and again today. 2 toms and a couple hens.
I go for treatment again tomorrow, Wed and Thursday. Start it all over again. Pray that it will be a better week.