Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21st

That is the most trying of all....oh and the heat! Everybody enjoy Thursday? Brutal. Normally I could have enjoyed it more, but now I step outside and it just takes my breath away. Well not only Thursday, but all week. Friend of mine took me for a ride down to Mooretown, St. Clair river. Real nice, but the wind off the water was actually hot. Thought it would be cool, but not today. He had a Camaro convertible, so you know how hot that was! Even had the A/C blowing! Anyway, not out as long as we wanted to be, but it was nice just the same. Matt is coming over tonight, his apartment is so hot he wanted to come and enjoy cool basement! Mary Beth went with Alaena & Noah to Birch Run Wed to Friday. She was skeptical about going, but she has called and checked up on me, I'm getting along OK. Goodnight.

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