Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quick report

It's nice knowing that I don't to go back in. Still hoping to get rid of this numbness in fingers and toes. Grrrrr.  Annoying. Felling not too bad otherwise, getting better as days go by. I'm planning on going back into clinic and taking a basket of fruit, after all they had to put up with me! It's the least I can do.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Last visit

Well, I go in when Bob is pretty mch empty, probobly 2 or so. I have folow ups with surgeon in Nov. and oncologist in Dec. Unti then, I still nedd prayer and support. Going to need a few weeks to get side effects out of my system. Numbness in fingers and feet will take longest I think. I will keep you posted as it goes, but won't be as many updates. Hope you have been enlightned by my journey and I hope and pray no else needs to go through this. God bless and will be in touch!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last full treatment

Got in about 2:50. In chair and hooked up 3:00. Will likely be after 5 before I'm done! But last one so what's to complain about. Praise God anyway!!!!

Waiting for Bob

Just waiting for Bob to drain. Probably 1-1:30, hopefully. Then back into Sarnia for about 3 hrs.
My tingling feet have been really helped with Emu oil products. It blocks the pain and makes a big difference. That's it for now.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Last Treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Was a little worried today, but all was well. It was after 1:00 before I got seated, but I did have an I.V. put in and have Bob for the night. All is well so far, but as Audrey said, the next few days after could be rough. Had Spaghetti for supper and MB is making some popcorn and going to watch a Fringe episode. So feeling not too bad right now. Well, popcorn is ready!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aug, 10th

Audrey, you might not want to read this. Came in at 1:00, that's when 22 hrs is up and Bob should be empty. He's not, but still have to have him removed. Hooked line up and they flush with saline. Before they do that, they backflush to get blood in the line. Not there today. Tried to do a fast drip to see if that works. Nope. As it is going I get a sharp pain in my shoulder, where the line goes in the vein to my heart. Called Jared over and he turned it off and called the doctor. He said to put in as an IV and they'll remove the pic line. So I now have an IV in left arm. So tomorrow after I have Bob removed again, I will be totally free of anything for a 2 weeks. The they will do an IV again. I'll be able to get some sun on rt arm and grow some hair where it keeps getting pulled out changing dressing. I'll be in here for a couple hours. That's it for now.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Aug 9th

Tues morn. Blood is good today, so I am now in the chair starting treatment. Putting in saline, there was a leak in the line, about 1/4 inch into my arm. Had to have Dr. pull the line out, cut it and reattach the input connection. It is now shorter inside ten what it was. All up and running now. Aug 23rd should be my last treatment date. 25th hopefully will be my last day!