Thursday, August 25, 2011

Last visit

Well, I go in when Bob is pretty mch empty, probobly 2 or so. I have folow ups with surgeon in Nov. and oncologist in Dec. Unti then, I still nedd prayer and support. Going to need a few weeks to get side effects out of my system. Numbness in fingers and feet will take longest I think. I will keep you posted as it goes, but won't be as many updates. Hope you have been enlightned by my journey and I hope and pray no else needs to go through this. God bless and will be in touch!


  1. Thanks again for keeping us in the loop with you--it doesn't mean we understand everything but I've certainly learned a lot from your posts. If all goes well and you get more bounce in your steps, Tigger, maybe we'll see you in Chatsworth at Thanksgiving. That would be a wonderful treat--something else to be thankful for.
    In the meantime, try not to miss Bob too much, and pee a lot--wouldn't that speed up the draining of the negative side effects? :-)
    Good luck with the tingling.

    hugs and love

  2. Thanks for all your postings, Bruce. It has been a long journey for you and we have been kept up to date as you went along. The next few months are a waiting game, and we pray for a good report in December from the oncologist.
    Hoping to see you in October. You can probably make arrangements to stay in the area if that is something that interests you. We hope to have our trailer here and we could stay out there and you could have our bed if that would convince you to come. Take care and love,
