Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Aug 9th

Tues morn. Blood is good today, so I am now in the chair starting treatment. Putting in saline, there was a leak in the line, about 1/4 inch into my arm. Had to have Dr. pull the line out, cut it and reattach the input connection. It is now shorter inside ten what it was. All up and running now. Aug 23rd should be my last treatment date. 25th hopefully will be my last day!

1 comment:

  1. Well, Bruce, I guess you are quite used to all the pokey things and don't react, but I felt a bit squeamish reading about leaky lines in your arm, etc. :-)

    I am sure though that you won't miss it and look forward to turning the page.

    We, too, will all be happy to celebrate with you by the 25th of the month. I can't wait to hear the good news of your last day. It has been a long haul for you!

    Until later,
    hugs again to all,
