Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 28th

Well, Dr. put me through, even though my platelet's were below the minimum. He said 5% lee way. I was 98 and needed 100. Another time I was 99 and was delayed. Go figure. Just read Donna's e--mail about Uncle Fred. He will be missed, the greatest Elvis double ever! Can still see him do the leg and hip thing. For you who did not know him he was a funny, talented and caring guy. For him and others that fought so hard, God bless them and their families. And for them I will keep on fighting. I will be back in tomorrow for 2nd treatment and again on Thursday to have Bob retired. I also have a car to look at when I'm done Thurs.

1 comment:

  1. May Bob have a wonderful retirement party!

    Best wishes to him.

    BTW, what colour is the Subaru?
