Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30th

Bob's almost empty, will go in to Sarnia shortly. 3 more to go. The Subaru is red. here are a couple of pics.


  1. Ahaaa! A matching set! Great colour. And a good-looking car! Here's hoping all the bells and whistles work too.
    Keep smiling Bro!


  2. Wow, the cops will see you coming in that. Glad to hear that you are getting rid of Bob. Baby steps... right.
    Our move is just around the corner. The 14th is when we pick up the rental van to load some of the stuff and then the moving van comes and packs the furniture in wrapping and loads it on Friday the 15th - closing day. We will be all moved in except for the fifth wheel that is at the Acreage and a few other items like our lawn tractor and snow blower. From what we hear from everyone, the snow may require that we get that all set any time now.
    Our new address will be 316386 Hwy 6, R. # 1, Chatsworth, N0H 1G0.
    Are you planning on coming to the picnic in Mitchell on Sunday? I guess you got all the emails about it. It is in the pavillion in the Lions Park right down town. It sounds like there will be a few people missing this year - Pat, Wendy, maybe Cathy, and of course Uncle Fred. That will be a big change for everyone.
    So hope to see you Sunday. Take Care,

  3. Hi Bruce, I hope this has been a good week for you. Will we see you at the picnic tomorrow. Would be nice to see the 2 of you.
