Thursday, March 17, 2011

One quarter of the way!

25% done. finished round 3. Been very tired today, haven't done much. MB took me in to have Bob the Botlte removed. Stopped for Quizno's sub on the way home today. Didn't write much lately, when I felt like doing something, I guess I did some work in basement. I mentioned I packed up my computer in the basement.  It was one a makeshift bench of a couple of sawhorses and 2x8's. Well I got rid of all that and built a real nice workbench. That kept me busy for a couple of days and it felt good to do something. Put up a peg board to hold a lot of my tools, probably more organized now then I've ever been! I'll try to add picture later. We have a plumber coming tomorrow to do some work in basement bath so I can finish that. Audrey, you will love it, remember what it was like when you stayed there? I'm working on an old dresser, that 'm going to put a sink in and paint a dark grey to go with tile. Should look smart. I'm laying in bed wriyting this in bed and can't see too ell, so ignore errors. Keep the prayers and positve thoughts comng.


  1. Hi Bruce!
    Once again it's nice to hear from you! And don't worry about the mistakes. I'm an English teacher, remember, and have seen it all! And of course, I know that your mistakes are typos. I'm not marking it, nor giving you a grade. :-) After all you are lying in bed!

    Yes, please do send photos of the results of your puttering about. I look forward to seeing what you've done. Imagine one day when it's all finished and you look back and remember the time it took.

    We are always sending positive vibes your way with the best wishes. And hugs too. I think of you every day -- I have a tab at the top of my page and always look there to see if you've posted anything new.

    Later, gator.


  2. Audrey is right Bruce, post some photo's of your handy work! I'd love to see the progress!

    I love hearing your up dates. Keep them going.

    I think of you and the family often. Your in my prayers.

  3. Hi Bruce,
    Oh my goodness. My whole book I just wrote got deleted. Oh well, I will try to do it again. A bit shorter this time though. I got a wee bit wordy.
    I will do like Audrey and save your blog link so I can get to it easily. We have definitely had you in our prayers. It is so much easier to TRY to understand what you are going through when you give us such a wonderful (not that the experience is wonderful) accounting of each step. It really is hard to appreciate when you have not gone through it. God worked a wonderful miracle for your family last year with Noah, and I know it will happen again. Those pictures you posted a great and a great inspiration to you.
    The work you are doing on the house is so therapeutic for you. Nothing like tearing something apart or building something to give a guy a rush. John has been laying hardwood in our bedroom and the upper hall the last week. It is finished and looks great. He has not been working a lot this last few weeks, so it is therapeutic for him too. See, building something.
    The sun is shining brightly and I have a load of clothes to hang out. I'll have to mark that on my calendar as a very early time to do that. We are headed to Florida on Sunday with Donna and Gerry for a week, so I need to finish packing as well.
    Take care of yourself, Bro, and know that even though there are not a lot of comments, the prayers are out there for you.
    Love to you and Mary Beth,
