Sunday, May 22, 2011

3 weeks off!

It has been really nice to be free of treatments for awhile. Gives a taste of what it will be like when I'm all done. I have been able to do quite a bit around the house and appraisals. I just wouldn't have been able to do during. A busy weekend as well. Good friends Carla and David are coming for lunch and a visit Sunday afternoon. They are camping the Pinery. Alaena, Nader and Noah are coming later Sunday for supper and staying over night. We are having a celebration for Alaena's birthday on Monday. So will have a house full as well. Looking forward to seeing Steph and the boys, although I did run into them on the road yesterday for a brief hello. Lookinh forward to Tuesday and getting back into the clinic. NOT! Oh well got to get it done. Continued prayers are welcome. especially that my blood count improves daily.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Bruce!
    You are busy indeed! Lots of action at the Snelgrove household. I hope you all had a lovely dinner and visit. And it's nice if the family can stay overnight. Especially since you've done work in "my" bedroom, right? Yes, as Daddy used to say, "Make hay while the sun shines." I know it's not exactly the right meaning, but you should definitely take advantage while you can.

    What does the blood count actually measure? Can you do anything in particular to get the count to where it's supposed to be?
    Enjoy the day tomorrow -- have a nice birthday celebration.

    Hugs to all and love from Montreal.

