Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Number 7 well underway!

Yesterday and today I was in for 7th treatment. All went well this week, tomorrow I go in to have pump removed. Feeling great so far, we'll see how the next few days go.


  1. Thinking of you and the family Bruce. Your in my prayers!

  2. Well, well, so your blood count was acceptable this week. Good. It would be nice if you also felt great all week.

    Once they remove the pump, what's next? I have forgotten--is the treatment then an oral dose? I guess I should go back to the beginning and read what you wrote--you have probably told us. I think there are 7 more treatments to go...??
    In any case, hang in there. You're half way.

    Big hug, Bruce.

    i love you and think of you every day. Tonight we went to the end of year school band concert and there were some girls with guitars. That was the trigger to think of you today. :-)


  3. Thanks for keeping track Audrey. This was 7th treatment. Five more to go. That is the end of it. There will be scopes and ct scans after but no more chemo.

  4. Seven of them down, and just five more to go;
    By now you are a Super Pro, BRO!

    Hang in there--you're almost done.
    Then you can have a lot more fun.

    I'm sure it is tough, but then ... SO ARE YOU!
    You've started the treatment, so you'll see it through.

    You'll beat this thing--I know you will;
    Then we will be ready to share in your thrill;

    We'll see you happy, and healthy, and cured;
    Then songs from your guitar will ring out and be heard.

    :-] Cheesy, I know, but, more thinking of you. :-)

  5. Thanks for the little ditty Audrey! Maybe I'll put it to music. In about 10 years.Haven't got very far with guitar, takes a lot of energy doing that even.

  6. Hey, Bruce! How's it going? What is the latest in the blood count and treatment fun? :-)
    And how is MaryBeth? I trust the surgery went well and that you have been able to take care of her?

    Just thinking of you both and sending hugs your way.

