Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not again!

I posted on Facebook about not getting in again. I will be back on original schedule, just behind a week. Nothing I can do, so they tell me. I eat good, drink lots and been sleeping good, so I don't know what is causing it. So, I might as well enjoy it. Been working on bathroom vanity, want to finish drywalling in bathroom, so I can paint!  Slow go but getting there. Please keep praying, I'm getting discouraged and would like to just stop treatment, but half way through, might as well finish the fight. Talk to you all later!


  1. Some folks have mentioned that they are having trouble posting comments. Just trying this without signing in to see what happens.

  2. Well, here goes again. :-) Don't worry about us, Bruce. Computers have a mind of their own, so we have to just plug away and insist.
    It was weird last time because I actually saw and read my post on your blog later. Maybe even the next day, but then it was gone. Oh well. I have been in the habit recently of copying my post before I post it in case it disappears on me, but once I see it on your blog I assume I have won. :-)

    Enjoy the good days, Bruce. Your treatment will be here before you know it!

    Hugs, and love,
