Monday, May 2, 2011

Half way!

Finished # 6 on Thursday. I am sorry I don't write as often as I should. I try to keep busy and sitting at the computer is hard to do, believe it or not. Even sitting watching tv is energy draining. Last Monday before I started # 6 I cleaned out my shed. Put away winter tires, got snow blower moved to back. Brought out weed whippers and chainsaw, put new gas and got them running. All ready for summer. Got my new wood chipper gassed and oiled up. Just got everything ready for the summer. Tried the chipper on Sat, does it ever work nice. Cleaned up quite a few branches and twigs. Have a wheel barrel full of wood chips, maybe for garden or hosta path. Worked for 40 minutes, then laid down for an hour. Wears me out, but recover somewhat. Friday was a lazy day, didn't sleep, but sure was horizontal a lot. Sat I did a little outside, Sunday, got garbage out. Had a town wide garage sale this weekend, we didn't get anything out. Got rid of an old mattress and some drain tile. Mary Beth went to London today, meet Alaena for lunch. It's her birthday today! Hope to get a few things done this week, before I go back on Tuesday, the 10th for more chemo. I have thought so many times of calling it quits, lots of people have and get along just fine, but guess I'll keep going. The biggest thing is making sure my blood count is good for treatment. A couple of guys my age have there at the same time as me, but last week both had too low white blood cells and couldn't take chemo. That delays them a week. I don't want that to happen. Rest and eating good, I think makes the difference. Guess I'll go have a shower, maybe that will give me some energy to get through another day!


  1. A wood chipper will come in handy! Terry and I just cleaned up our back yard, and borrowed my uncles chipper. We have lots for our garden now, we love it!
    Good luck with your next round of treatments. Praying for you.

  2. Wow! What a trooper you are. You have done a lot more than many others in preparing for summer. I'm proud of you.

    So, what kind of chipper do you have? How long have you had it? And what size wood twigs will it take? I've been thinking of acquiring one for awhile but haven't done my homework yet, so know nothing about them. I also haven't been lucky enough to find one on the side of the road yet. :-)
    I just want to be able to recycle everything "naturally" possible. I already do more than most of my neighbours, and throw nothing compostable in the landfills.

    You're right about staying strong enough for the treatments. Since that's the route you have chosen, you're wise to put the odds in your favour. And as long as you're eating what your body needs to fight this thing, and have an appetite to do so, then all's good.

    Keep on keeping on, Bruce.

    How about the guitar? Any energy for that between treatments? Are you ready for the YouTube video yet?
    I will call you in a bit. If you don't answer, I'll know you aren't up to it, but I will try to reach you.

    Big hug and lots of love, Bruce.

  3. Hi, Bruce,

    I'm just thinking of you, knowing that you had your 7th treatment today, and imagining that you are quite pooped! Hopefully it is not too bad, and you will be up puttering about again soon. Maybe playing a few chords on the old guitar. :-)
    Whatever your choice, just keep in mind that you're in my thoughts, and wrapped in my hugs.
    Lots of love,
