Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My turn!

Well, I guess it doesn't matter in the long run what you eat. Went in on Tues, one component of the blood work requires 10.0, I was at 9.9. Needless to say they sent me home. Go in next Monday for treatment. Bummer! On the bright side, it may be a blessing in disguise. I have felt great since Monday. I cut the grass, worked on yard, even sanded the bathroom drywall compound. Put another coat on and will sand it today. So I am able to get lots done, that needs to be done, but just not enough time between treatments. This gives me that time. I gues that's about it for now.


  1. Oh, ... :-(
    Well, that is a bit of a bummer, all right, but as you said, since you were so energetic, you got a lot done.

    Do they suggest any type of food is better for reaching the 10? Do you know what the blood work measures? It is amazing that .1 was enough to refuse you for the treatment!

    Well, enjoy the time before next Monday, Bruce.

    Big hugs,

  2. Keep up the fight Bro! You are in are thoughts often.

