Thursday, February 17, 2011

Consider Myself Lucky!

I have been going to the cancer clinic at Bluewater Health since Monday, that's when I started. I see people there that are near the end of treatment, in the middle and just starting, like me. I don't know any of them yet, but there seems to be a real strong bond among them. They greet each other as they come in: How are you today? You're looking good! Treatment going well? That sort of thing. I don't know if I will get that friendly, but it is there if I want it. Some women wearing scarfs, hats etc., Some in walkers, wheelchairs and very thin. It has to be devastating for a lot of the people, hopefully they have a Saviour that will keep them strong. Maybe that is my purpose here, we'll see.  Anyway, I got my pump off today and will go back in March 1st for another round.

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