Thursday, February 17, 2011

Last of this round, eleven more to go!

Was in on Wed. for final round in the chair. Came home with the pump again, it takes about 22 hours to empty. I go in today to have it disconnected. PIC line stays in until I'm all done. (24 weeks!). I go back in on March 1st to do the same treatment over again. The week off is to build up white blood cells and immunity. I have not had any side effects as yet, Praise God! Hope I don't and prayer in that respect would be highly appreciated. I do get hiccups quite often, which I read somewhere that they could occur, but can't find it now. I'm going to try driving in myself today, give Mary Beth a breather. Maybe get my haircut, due anyway. If I do start to lose some, won't be as noticeable. :)
I guess that is it for now. Take car all and again thanks for support.

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