Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

10:30 AM appt got me in by 12:30! We expected that though, we were warned. Anyway, gave blood as a base line, don't know results on that. After much shuffling I went to xray for PIC line. They need the xray to see where it is going! Tried the left arm (not as restrictive), but only went part way and found vien was not large enough. So switcharoo to right arm and went right in. So, I'm all taped up and ready to hook up. I'll be back tomorrow for first treatment. I feel good, confident and ready to put this behind me. Sounds like I'll be in Wed and Thurs then nothing for 2 weeks. Will have to wait and see how this will effect me.
Thanks for prayers, everyone. Karissa, thanks for the links, I had a quick look. Stories sound very positive and definately giving the glory to God.

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