Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hit by a bus

is about the best way to describe the last few days. Not that I've ever been hit by one before, but I can imagine. After I had the pump off on Thurs., it's a feeling I can't describe. Beyond tired, yet not sleepy. Thurs to Sunday was like that. I would walk from bedroom to kitchen and have to sit, go to living room and have to sit. Get to the couch and lay down. It was awful. It was nice to have some company on Sat., Alaena, Noah, Matthew, Anne, Steph and Mac were here. I know they didn't mind, but I had to leave quite often to lay down for a bit. The only way I can sleep for more then an hour at night  is with a sleeping pill. Right now it is 4:30am! I've maybe had 2.0 hrs. total tonight. Anyway, I was warned this is what it would be like and they were right. Monday I felt much better, even worked in basement, did some trim, put electrical covers back on in bedroom. Some people would call it puttering, but I think I got a lot done! We received a good 8" snow on Sunday night, Tim was around about 8:00pm Monday and cleaned our driveway. Now we can get out if need be! That was a lot of snow to push around. Thanks Tim. Enough for now, I'm going down to living room and watch the 3/4 moon go across the night sky, it just baths the whole house in moonlight! Outside, with the snow, it is so bright and quite beautiful.


  1. You are a brave guy. You attitude amazes me, you are very positive about it. I'm still praying for you.

  2. Hi there,
    I just realized that you have been writing here and I didn't know. I had to click on the beginning of your posts to see that there was more.

    It's nice to read your posts. I think this drug treatment has inspired your muse--you sound quite poetic: "watch the 3/4 moon go across the night sky..." Nice. Not that I haven't seen your poetry before.

    Regarding the fatigue. It's another message from your body to take it easy. It has been bombarded with foreign material and needs to regroup to "recoup-erate"
    So give in to rest even though you can't sleep. How about hot milk and honey? And get Mary Beth to sing a lullaby or two. Or watch boring movies... :-) All easy to say, I know.

    So, big hug again, and lots of love.


  3. Thanks, Audrey. I do have sleeping pills if I need them, try to do without, but sometimes just can't

  4. You're right, we didn't mind at all! Mac and I were extremely happy to see you and Aunt Mary Beth and we thank you for having us over. Oh, Mac is especially thankful as he truly enjoyed the luxury of having a Coke, cheesecake AND ice cream! :) Lots of love Steph

  5. Hi there, Bruce! Happy Wednesday. It's bright and sunny here. How about there?
    Just so you know, Cathy has been trying to leave you a message here, right Cathy? But first she needed a gmail account--DONE. Now she is working on getting her message to post.
    So I'm going through the process to check out what advice I can give her. She wants to sent her wishes to you. :-)

    Have a wonderful day.

  6. Thanks everyone, I didn't realize you need a gmail account to post.

  7. Well there are various choices: Gmail, Live Journal, Word Press, TypePad, AIM and OpenID. Google mail is the only one that really means anything to me. That's probably why you don't have many comments to read. Just verbose Audrey writes. :-)
